Missing Reel

Out Now on Xbox Live Indie Games - 240 points

Missing Reel is a co-operative twin stick arcade shooter with a “B-Movie” theme.

Players must defend themselves against hordes of enemies and survive to the end of the level, when the players must defeat a boss enemy.

The game includes three different game modes. There are 5 levels to play through each with their own unique character, enemy and boss.

Created by a team of 8 placement students working at Canalside Studios. Programmed in C# and XNA

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Review 3

Missing Reel received its third review today over at gaygamer.net

Here is a little extract from the review.

"...what can developers do to stand out? Missing Reel manages to do so in a number of ways. The B-movie theme adds a lot of personality to the game, with levels playing off genre cliches from alien invaders to zombies. Even the game's menu is designed to look like a movie theater. There is also a nice selection of characters to unlock, each with their own strengths and weaknesses."

To see the full review please click here

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