Missing Reel

Out Now on Xbox Live Indie Games - 240 points

Missing Reel is a co-operative twin stick arcade shooter with a “B-Movie” theme.

Players must defend themselves against hordes of enemies and survive to the end of the level, when the players must defeat a boss enemy.

The game includes three different game modes. There are 5 levels to play through each with their own unique character, enemy and boss.

Created by a team of 8 placement students working at Canalside Studios. Programmed in C# and XNA

Friday 5 February 2010


The guys over at Emuholic's Blog had this to say about Missing Reel;

"Missing Reel is an up to four player (human or CPU) arcade survival arena shooter. You must defend yourself against the waves of alien invaders and rack up the scores. The game seems to play fine and the CPU players do a good job of helping out, felt like other humans were playing which is rare. Well worth checking out!"

Thanks for the positive feedback!

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